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000 –– myHOME ––


A collection of obsolete home buttons, used in old macintosh browsers to jump back to the home page, are featured in the exhibition. With the demise of the so-called home page and the rise of the so-called social-network-profiles, it seemed that the space for the home button was being wasted. At the same time, the so-called start page was understood as, at best, an unavoidable banner which you, as a browser developer, could sell. Google and Yahoo were paying to be the default. The decision to cut the home button was made at a time when many web companies, especially apple, had a weakness for this particular skeuomorph, leaving us with a beautiful collection from a special moment in UI-design history. The exhibition reflects the behavior in which our new home is the Internet.

related links:
used browsers: AmayaCamino KidsBrowserOmniWeb Opera pt Bruiser Safari Shiira Sunrise
start page browser search
Johannes P Osterhof — Home, Sweet Home